
What is the UNIDEMI?

UNIDEMI was created in 2003 as a research unit of the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering of the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.

Our ultimate goal is to produce research with high impact in the global scientific community, in the industry, services and society on the scientific domains of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, and Management & Entrepreneurship.

UNIDEMI has experienced a fast and successful growth in the last 20 years, today having 49 integrated research members, 10 laboratories in a total space of 1920m², and supporting 2 PhD Programs.

Since 2021 UNIDEMI is one of the thirteen R&D units that encompasses the Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory (LASI). UNIDEMI was evaluated by the Portuguese governmental agency for science and technology – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia – and achieved the EXCELLENT score, the highest score in the scientific domain of mechanical and industrial engineering.

UNIDEMI develops scientific research and technology transfer in three areas:

Focusing on the development of innovative and customized advanced manufacturing processes, involving studying manufacturing process parameters and analysing their effects on material behaviour and properties.

Focusing on the development of core competences related to theory and methodologies of design, mechanical design, computer-aided engineering, product development, multibody system dynamics, topology optimization, optical and acoustic measurements, computational fluid dynamics, aerodynamics, heat transfer, energy efficiency, free-surface flows, failure analysis, biomechanics, inverse identification methods, fracture mechanics, fatigue, strength of adhesive joints, composite materials and additive manufacturing of polymers and ceramics.

Focusing on the development of the core competence related to industrial systems operations, quality, supply chain, ergonomics, maintenance and reliability, digital platforms, services digitalization, lean-green business models, interoperability, circular economy, life cycle assessment, decision science and data analytics.

UNIDEMI’s Scientific Publication Outputs (2018-23)

  • 78% papers in Q1 journals 
  • 18,4 citations per publication
  • 29% publications on top 10% most cited Journals
  • 25% publications among the 10% most cited worldwide
  • 4 international paper Awards
  • 43 % in international collaboration
  • Hosted 5 international conferences
  • Hosted 4 Summer/ Autumn Schools

UNIDEMI’s Value Creation (2018-23)

  • 36 R&D projects
  •  Total funding of  >5 Million euros
  • 21% funding from international funding
  • 25% funding from contracted research or collaborative projects with international /national sources
  • 6 Patents by UNIDEMI inventors
  • 1 nonprivate organization founded (“3D Printing Center for Health“)

UNIDEMI’s PhD Program Outputs (2018-2023)

  • 2 active PhD Programs
  •  Hosting 25 PhD grants funded by FCT.IP
  • 25% international students
  • Completed 19 PhDs
  • Supervising 73 PhD students
  • More than 75 MSc students engaged in R&D
Doctoral programs

UNIDEMI is currently involved in 2 Doctoral programs: Industrial Engineering (PDEI), and Mechanical Engineering (PDEM). Since 2008 more than 70 PhD students have been awarded the doctoral degree.

Main specialized laboratories

UNIDEMI is integrated in DEMI premises and includes 17 main specialized laboratories with equipment that supports the research of the scientific areas of: Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory, Thermal Manufacturing Processes Laboratory, Materials Characterization Laboratory, Mechanical Manufacturing Processes Laboratory, Ergonomics Laboratory, Machine Design Laboratory, Experimental Mechanics Laboratory, Computational Mechanics Laboratory, Digital Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, Digital Innovation in Production Systems Laboratory, Intelligent Decision Support Systems Laboratory, Aerodynamics Laboratory, Thermofluids and Hydraulics Laboratory, Computational fluid dynamics I and II, Geometrical Modelling, Digital Design and Prototyping Laboratory.

Laboratory space

Laboratories are designed and equipped for high level experimental and simulation equipment for research. These laboratories occupy an area of 1.920 square meters.


UNIDEMI has 49 integrated researchers and 35 collaborators. In the last evaluation process UNIDEMI got an EXCELLENT evaluation from the FCT.IP review panel.