Starting Date: fev 2022
Number of Partners: 3
Total Budget: 14,8K€
E4W focuses on developing technology (a mobile application) for occupational health. It can be applied in any occupational context, acting at the level of prevention and from a perspective of continuous improvement. It can impact workers’ well-being, work quality and productivity, helping identify ergonomic intervention opportunities and reduce the likelihood of developing work-related musculoskeletal injuries.
The mobile application will integrate and analyze data from multiple sensors (smartwatch, surface EMG, motion capture system and force platform). The sensors provide relevant biomechanical and physiological information to characterize ergonomic risk concerning posture, repetitiveness and occupational fatigue.
The development will apply the User-Centered Design (UCD) approach to guarantee the usability through the analysis of pragmatic attributes (e.g. efficiency and effectiveness) and hedonic qualities (e.g. satisfaction), considering the relationship between users’ objectives, the purpose of the application and the context of use.
The applicability and performance of the application will be evaluated in an occupational context, namely in the health area. In partnership with Hospital Curry Cabral, which is part of Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Central, the system will be tested by occupational therapists.