Starting Date: 2023
Number of Partners: 8
Total Budget: 2.360M€
Throughout the most recent years, the world has been facing troubling times in what concerns health issues and crisis situations.
Consequently, a growing awareness is happening so that these types of circumstances can be mitigated or avoided.
The COVID-19 pandemic showed, on the one hand, how fragile the overall health systems are but, on the other hand, how resilient health professionals can be.
Nevertheless, there is a clear need to give these professionals tools to stay alert and deal with situations like this one in the best way possible.
As Confucius said, “Learn as if you were not reaching your goal and as though you were scared of missing it”. In this context, we believe that only a combination of a triple-front training of the health workforce (soft, ICT and hard skills) and knowledge sharing will be the beginning that leads to a better planning and management of crisis situations, patient-oriented health modules and surge capacity.
Having this in mind, a European taskforce was gathered to create training modules that would facilitate further education processes for staff working in the medical sector, that includes regular strengthening and updating knowledge in medicine. Additionally, the project aims to provide training in the field of emotional resilience and digital skills that become relevant in crisis situations. It is our intention not only to boost international cooperation in health, but also to strengthen national health systems through the development of digital tools and services, digital transformation of healthcare, and improving soft and hard skills of clinical and non-clinical healthcare professionals at the European level.
The #e-Hospital4Future – “Building future through an innovated and digital skilled hospital” project intends to elevate the education process of health professionals (clinical and non-clinical), combining modules of social skills (soft skills), technical skills (hard skills) and digital skills.
Visit the project page here.