António Mourão has a Licenciature (5 years degree) in Industrial Production Engineering (Mechanical Construction branch), an MSc and a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering. Currently, he is an Associate Professor of the Machine Design Group of the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the New University of Lisbon. His research began with machining, tolerancing, and design for manufacturing. Actually, his research focuses in Mechanical Design Decision Support, based on Axiomatic Design, with the following objectives: to develop relationships between performance and cost, to find out the best values of the design parameters, essential in conceptual phase of the development of products and processes; and to take the tolerances as a functional requirement that must be considered from the beginning of the design, both to final products as to the production tools. He has been consultant in industrial companies. He has been invited as expert to the technical and scientific evaluation of projects financed by Portuguese government and European Community to promote and support the activity of I&D in the companies.